Pokemon platinum exp share

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She will ask if you want to draw. Once you have downloaded the emulator on your computer, simply unzip the download then install it on PC or Laptop and play your favorite Pokemon GBA.

Yahoo ist jetzt Teil der. However, you can find the professor's assistant's father, who will give you Exp. As you explore, note the location of key buildings such as the Pokemon Center and the Poke Martu them if you must. Manchmal zeigen wir Ihnen personalisierte Werbung, indem wir anhand Ihrer Aktivitäten auf unseren Seiten und Produkten fundierte Vermutungen über Ihre Interessen anstellen. But it is really difficult. After grabbing all of those, head eastward into Eterna City. However, this can possibly be remedied if only one Pokémon met in the battle and was holding asince they multiply Exp by 150%. Manchmal zeigen wir Ihnen personalisierte Werbung, indem wir anhand Ihrer Aktivitäten auf unseren Seiten und Produkten fundierte Vermutungen über Ihre Interessen anstellen. In the meantime, go rightward and back onto Route 205. Points to all Pokemon platinum exp share in party, even those not in battle. In only, the experience formula was changed to incorporate the difference in between the defeated Pokémon and Pokémon gaining experience; this is factored in after splitting the experience.

This will let you level up even faster. They receive 100% of the EXP if in battle, and 50% of the EXP if they were not in battle.

Pokemon Platinum (U) Action Replay Code - Ruby Sapphire Emerald A hold item that gets EXP.

Trainers can be found along every route. Keep in mind that they will automatically confront you for battle any time they have a direct line of sight to your character. While this isn't a problem at the lower levels, the further you progress through the game, the stronger these trainers will be. Of course, the rewards for defeating them will also increase with their level, so it's a good idea to fight them when you're ready, rather than waiting. Simply keep running around in the long grass to encounter a new Pokemon. This is great if you're just looking to level your party without exploring the game yet because you can spend as long as you want in the tall grass. Once your Pokemon has progressed to about 5 levels higher than the wild Pokemon, it's best to move on. Traveling a little further to an area where the Pokemon are higher level will allow you to gain more EXP. This will let you level up even faster. The complete list of Game Shark codes for Pokemon Light Platinum. We've listed almost 400 Pokemon Light Platinum game cheats here. They're all in alphabetical order to help you to get the Pokemon you want, or activate the cheat you'd like to use. The codes appear in two separate sections, with the first one being item and game play cheats, and the second group covering all of the Pokemon you can get in game. Remember, if you are using an emulator with a different version of Pokemon than the one listed here, these codes will probably not work for you to cheat in the game. This is because each version of the game has different gameshark codes. Also keep in mind that these codes need to be typed in exactly as they appear, with no spaces or characters other than the exact letters and numbers listed in the code. Good luck, and we hope you enjoy the game! NAME: Abra CODE: 8EE6264B7FA5506A NAME: Absol CODE: 2CC860ECD40C584F NAME: Aerodactyl CODE: 11F5BC3EFD0E5DD3 NAME: Aggron CODE: 9F727E48188E88D7 NAME: Aipom CODE: 8F7B8FA551BE6519 NAME: Alakazam CODE: A52F239F157183AA NAME: Altaria CODE: E482934074AE24CA NAME: Ampharos CODE: 03DB2EDAF1498315 NAME: Anorith CODE: 761FA58F0C669A85 NAME: Arbok CODE: E8B3D4787DB12D1A NAME: Arcanine CODE: C997ECED821D7BE8 NAME: Ariados CODE: F50447946C4C5098 NAME: Armaldo CODE: C68621E0CE91EAF2 NAME: Aron CODE: 6557E79B19945642 NAME: Articuno CODE: 9F9A431719B26CE8 NAME: Azumarill CODE: 24A676950E972009 NAME: Azurill CODE: B42D1283C6EBBDBB NAME: Bagon CODE: 7BC26643F6351EA3 NAME: Baltoy CODE: 90AF0D841C4A45C9 NAME: Banette CODE: 8E732451F6EF7BA4 NAME: Barboach CODE: D99B190DCB5C3255 NAME: Bayleef CODE: FEDD6E758BF7942D NAME: Beautifly CODE: 3866C190031535DD NAME: Beedrill CODE: 4CD61B87F05305C0 NAME: Beldum CODE: 662DB4A0150278A5 NAME: Bellossom CODE: EE1B4201DA9C6E71 NAME: Bellsprout CODE: 0E6E78BE6553B936 NAME: Blastoise CODE: 9DAC9AE70802D361 NAME: Blaziken CODE: 4A44AC2ED6B438D5 NAME: Blissey CODE: 0160D183A2A2A1B6 NAME: Breloom CODE: 1D47A9C60524F0F7 NAME: Bulbasaur CODE: C7715E5D4B03490C NAME: Cacnea CODE: C4741BAE97124E11 NAME: Cacturne CODE: 7D2A47BB332D52F3 NAME: Camerupt CODE: B5B5FCBBCFCC8751 NAME: Carvanha CODE: B5A578B46F1B591B NAME: Cascoon CODE: 0A70DC5617BA6B8E NAME: Castform CODE: 528A0B971B7D1DB1 NAME: Celebi CODE: A3AFC93BCAE30FEC NAME: Chansey CODE: 98A9EF2FD4933FE0 NAME: Charizard CODE: 5F4739E594A6717F NAME: Charmander CODE: 86FC5D2E2AB49BE7 NAME: Charmeleon CODE: 8EF2FF70229DABA2 NAME: Chikorita CODE: 025F2921710FE9F1 NAME: Chimecho CODE: 145A57F6ADDF1B3A NAME: Chinchou CODE: 741082FC8EF7B960 NAME: Clamperl CODE: 944B4BE8D05C678B NAME: Claydol CODE: CA8B36FCDF163AA9 NAME: Clefable CODE: A245B05BDBA62586 NAME: Clefairy CODE: 0A960AD32D88FB71 NAME: Cleffa CODE: 586090DB2EAC760B NAME: Cloyster CODE: 6D655CDB8564F3D6 NAME: Combusken CODE: 7CAD36227FCCA6ED NAME: Corphish CODE: 23DAFA415B1ADBC8 NAME: Corsola CODE: E3CBB814F78A0FF1 NAME: Cradily CODE: A87F5761834F0FF9 NAME: Crawdaunt CODE: 2E666CF332395439 NAME: Crobat CODE: BA64CBD74C67DA0E NAME: Croconaw CODE: 7171EB15E4ADEA22 NAME: Cubone CODE: AF9A564317D23C50 NAME: Cyndaquil CODE: F3595519C41CB89F NAME: Delcatty CODE: 601F8154A460B6A7 NAME: Delibird CODE: 8C2E6741D5F172A4 NAME: Deoxys CODE: 8C5DE8C8A33E9D88 NAME: Dewgong CODE: E4A84A01E8F5F70B NAME: Diglett CODE: 4E0E095399832EC7 NAME: Ditto CODE: 5FD5479B25F61E5C NAME: Dodrio CODE: CCF9E49B5E4CADA8 NAME: Doduo CODE: C86D9E0AD50F5094 NAME: Donphan CODE: CBBEF9DC682596BC NAME: Dragonair CODE: F4BD50DA1B890A51 NAME: Dragonite CODE: B67EB1994491FC62 NAME: Dratini CODE: 52F5EC2DDDD29409 NAME: Drowzee CODE: BA6D6DF7DE9213D6 NAME: Dugtrio CODE: CFBDF08694AFF44C NAME: Dunsparce CODE: E5355F5F23DE47E9 NAME: Dusclops CODE: 359F51861F36099C NAME: Duskull CODE: BD8E35D5CF92A431 NAME: Dustox CODE: 72F95810DB6FB4EF NAME: Eevee CODE: 6817CACBB3725546 NAME: Ekans CODE: 9746090A9B13D34A NAME: Electabuzz CODE: EE7D62E6377677A7 NAME: Electrike CODE: 4E39C71B8B168004 NAME: Electrode CODE: BA4A7DEEB6786158 NAME: Elekid CODE: C5D22480A2CCC775 NAME: Entei CODE: ACE71E49475ACE5A NAME: Espeon CODE: B33E1632D7F709D0 NAME: Exeggcute CODE: 771695BD9D8BE844 NAME: Exeggutor CODE: 84689B70FD33AE82 NAME: Exploud CODE: A587A72ACAA20267 NAME: Farfetch'd CODE: 0AD1026900EF2DDC NAME: Fearow CODE: 1B5E43BD9713080E NAME: Feeba CODE: D884D95282F6FD48 NAME: Feraligatr CODE: 918632C39DDE2DBB NAME: Flaaffy CODE: 3FE2F064BB639BA3 NAME: Flareon CODE: B6691108227D02B3 NAME: Flygon CODE: B02489453BC0030F NAME: Forretress CODE: 1EAC10AAD4B2DF5D NAME: Furret CODE: D8607109AD28DB09 NAME: Gardevoir CODE: 2BE7AED3B9751EC5 NAME: Gastly CODE: 5F526032B3FFFCE0 NAME: Gengar CODE: EA51AA85C39E59D4 NAME: Geodude CODE: F49F0B961CDA9CDE NAME: Girafarig CODE: AFD25289DC56A0CD NAME: Glalie CODE: CB8E1E838A0B06FF NAME: Gligar CODE: D48A22E1A90FC70A NAME: Gloom CODE: 191292AD8DA00EED NAME: Golbat CODE: 3955CE261CBBE2B7 NAME: Goldeen CODE: F29255BCBB65E9A6 NAME: Golduck CODE: E668AE7B6C41ABE6 NAME: Golem CODE: 981E564320350C5C NAME: Gorebyss CODE: 0F1B5F6C7656C3B9 NAME: Granbull CODE: D2F305AD7D077739 NAME: Graveler CODE: 33202BC84B640AB3 NAME: Grimer CODE: 1C079E020E278333 NAME: Groudon CODE: 299CE04B43341CDD NAME: Grovyle CODE: 21F8BC366CC818B7 NAME: Growlithe CODE: 22B7647CF5951FC0 NAME: Grumpig CODE: 8F6C9E12CB96CE33 NAME: Gulpin CODE: 179DCADEC474D278 NAME: Gyarados CODE: EA48F52876018F4F NAME: Hariyama CODE: 53D971FF007FAAEB NAME: Haunter CODE: 973AB5D9C4DD3650 NAME: Heracross CODE: 088236A9C6933F92 NAME: Hitmonchan CODE: 513811EAEFBC54A8 NAME: Hitmonlee CODE: 29025DA46C67823C NAME: Hitmontop CODE: A5C5D439AE264439 NAME: Ho-oh CODE: 92BB8BD9629E2D58 NAME: Hoothoot CODE: 78A0CD579A371B1F NAME: Hoppip CODE: 3BED40A5C056C098 NAME: Horsea CODE: A4EBBAA472E72233 NAME: Houndoom CODE: 7FCE2C2638425484 NAME: Houndour CODE: A99587CCA49BC248 NAME: Huntail CODE: 5669AB79CAF18B71 NAME: Hypno CODE: E4A57331BFD72F7E NAME: Igglybuff CODE: E5C58F0E70ACBAAA NAME: Illumise CODE: 6D88B6F968D141AB NAME: Ivysaur CODE: AC386FDCE1057B11 NAME: Jigglypuff CODE: 9D6FDEB59E31E1D8 NAME: Jirach CODE: FBC061A9072FC320 NAME: Jolteon CODE: 67F9841DE968DA3D NAME: Jumpluff CODE: 4A91807F7E5AE2BC NAME: Jynx CODE: E9B195209876042D NAME: Kabuto CODE: F86734D5046D3F8F NAME: Kabutops CODE: 922559183F823AF8 NAME: Kadabra CODE: 82A3DA434AFAFC8E NAME: Kakuna CODE: 2C90148596BF028B NAME: Kangaskhan CODE: F5CAF2C4EEB3D467 NAME: Kecleon CODE: C07D2D075B6C82F2 NAME: Kingdra CODE: FB5F56E3F2427C25 NAME: Kingler CODE: 93F26FDC1621EFBB NAME: Kirlia CODE: 9B8D1405198957C8 NAME: Koffing CODE: 3B75EE991DE0E837 NAME: Krabby CODE: 3F1B3D68D4401611 NAME: Kyogre CODE: 9EFEC4E6F24D5813 NAME: Lairon CODE: D4EFF5BB1311E2E8 NAME: Lanturn CODE: 13534CCF5BB92C8C NAME: Lapras CODE: 24D3EE0E404F7B3D NAME: Larvitar CODE: 4C3FD6DDA72A38D9 NAME: Latias CODE: EA64214226D6E5A6 NAME: Latios CODE: 79870CB095729832 NAME: Ledian CODE: 349C7EAC1092228D NAME: Ledyba CODE: 50757C7AA393D46A NAME: Lickitung CODE: 5E065A174F8282B0 NAME: Lileep CODE: 4BEFDC30B4192001 NAME: Linoone CODE: 61DBEB9F92DBFA58 NAME: Lombre CODE: A755369B4BD7F6F1 NAME: Lotad CODE: 2D5A7BBB525EF393 NAME: Loudred CODE: 67E17F195D6EDD71 NAME: Ludicolo CODE: A20A4542D79124D0 NAME: Lugia CODE: E57F3F7864F944D0 NAME: Lunatone CODE: 372CE7DBA9C8EB5E NAME: Luvdisc CODE: 938CB852F9BB4D41 NAME: Machamp CODE: D03BF77285346D77 NAME: Machoke CODE: 596DD0CA422404AF NAME: Machop CODE: 754794BB393FBB5E NAME: Magby CODE: C6A84B78810CD4FC NAME: Magcargo CODE: 20CBDC4C87541E08 NAME: Magikarp CODE: 7C77F1892570754C NAME: Magmar CODE: 608711AD052765EC NAME: Magnemite CODE: CCBFCC6A6B608D39 NAME: Magneton CODE: A772B75BC41A2001 NAME: Makuhita CODE: E1F4794A887F06BF NAME: Manectric CODE: 3A4F2D33CBF5A1B4 NAME: Mankey CODE: 16FE10289A936148 NAME: Mantine CODE: F554A963EDA859B6 NAME: Mareep CODE: B3323FA400976EED NAME: Marill CODE: 76ECA4FF35F8C4F9 NAME: Marowak CODE: B3A12885D5D4DA48 NAME: Marshtomp CODE: 29BA2D42D510FFBA NAME: Masquerain CODE: BB6A3047431DFCFF NAME: Mawile CODE: FC8A82EA704658D9 NAME: Medicham CODE: 85B4AF9A41D7B768 NAME: Meditite CODE: E9D1D48800D975CA NAME: Meganium CODE: 09C6FA0D4F0F5773 NAME: Meowth CODE: 4107EE5459F45AC6 NAME: Metagross CODE: E62FCE6B99A4823D NAME: Metang CODE: 72B850FD79DE57D2 NAME: Mew CODE: 71E09BD117FDFD02 NAME: Mewtwo CODE: 30621E6F164FED85 NAME: Mightyena CODE: 37A90703F49DE0B4 NAME: Milotic CODE: A454BB281CEC3F83 NAME: Miltank CODE: 8F700F622CA08221 NAME: Minun CODE: AC9122B26257AAE0 NAME: Misdreavus CODE: 38744E791BFB4656 NAME: Moltres CODE: A265FB705EAE2980 NAME: Mr. If you need additional help with installing these cheat codes for your GBA Emulator, you can read the instructions and procedure at the beginning of this article. How can I have many master balls in Pokemon reign of legends? I want to have many master balls in Pokemon ruby reign of legends This guide is only for Pokemon Light Platinum, but if you want to Pokemon Ruby Reign of Legends Cheat Codes, here is a list of action replay codes to get 900x of each Pokeball. ACTION REPLAY CODE: 94000130 FCFF0000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: 62111880 00000000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: B2111880 00000000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D5000000 00000384 ACTION REPLAY CODE: C0000000 00000017 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D7000000 00000D16 ACTION REPLAY CODE: DC000000 00000002 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D2000000 00000000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: 94000130 FCFF0000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: 62111880 00000000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: B2111880 00000000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D5000000 00000001 ACTION REPLAY CODE: C0000000 0000000F ACTION REPLAY CODE: D7000000 00000D14 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D4000000 00000001 ACTION REPLAY CODE: DC000000 00000002 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D2000000 00000000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: 94000130 FCFF0000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: 62111880 00000000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: B2111880 00000000 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D5000000 000001EC ACTION REPLAY CODE: C0000000 00000007 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D7000000 00000D54 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D4000000 00000001 ACTION REPLAY CODE: DC000000 00000002 ACTION REPLAY CODE: D2000000 00000000 To use these codes in Pokemon Ruby Reign of Legends, follow these three simple steps: I don't know it does not give them to me any of the cheats help me please? It would be helpful : Thank you This guide is for cheats that are manually entered into an emulator, like the GBA Emulator. They are unique to the Pokemon Light Platinum game, though we have put a few other quick codes here as well to help users looking for answers. If you are looking for an emulator that already has all of the cheat codes activated, unfortunately, you'll probably have to pay for one. The cheat codes does not work for my GBA4iOS, are those codes applicable? I can't get these cheat codes to work on my iPhone, help! Keep in mind that most GameShark cheat codes may vary per title. Make sure you have the correct Pokemon title, Pokemon Light Platinum, as there are many different versions of the game for the Gameboy. You need the right version for the codes to work. If you're seeing question marks in the game after trying to input cheat codes, then you might have put a space or a wrong character in the list. Check for errors and try again. For Pokemon Light Platinum, you can enter these cheat codes for Master Ball, Infinite Cash, and Walk Through Walls they are also listed at the beginning of this article : Where to download the emulator? Where can I download the GBA Emulator for Pokemon Light Platinum? You can find information above, in the tips and tricks section, or visit this link. Once you have downloaded the emulator on your computer, simply unzip the download then install it on PC or Laptop and play your favorite Pokemon GBA. Make sure to check back here for all of your cheats, and enjoy your game! Also, whatever you do, don't put spaces, dashes, or anything else in there. The codes need to be typed as all one word to be accepted and used as cheats. My cheat code is invalid. What do I do now? If you are typing the cheat codes, make sure that you type them in the same way they appear here. Keep in mind that some are also case sensitive, so it is always possible that someone put in lower case letters for a cheat code when that cheat should have been in upper case letters. Also, double check your letters and numbers. Sometimes the letter B can look like the number 8, or vice versa. The same is true for the number 1 and the letter L when it is lowercase. Another possibility is that you are typing in a Pokemon cheat code that isn't meant for the version of the game that you are playing. Make sure that you have the correct cheat codes for the game you are emulating on your computer or phone. Remember that there are a lot of Pokemon versions, not just Pokemon Light Platinum, and also make sure you put the Master Code in before entering the other cheat codes into the cheat box.